
Level 1

Students complete a career strategic plan, define their professional and personal mission, set goals, address debt management and draft a personal budget.

Level 2

Students apply what they have learned about goal-setting, mission-vision statements and basic finance to a dental practice operation.


Level 3

Students solve cases of personnel oversight, patient management and business finance. Additionally, they explore strategies for selecting and securing an associateship and apply ergonomics principles to practice environments.

Level 4

The future dentists select a practice location, review transition-to-practice issues, and refine the dental office strategic planning steps completed at previous levels. As a concluding assignment, they create, with online technical support, a professional business plan capable of supporting a viable proposal for a dental practice loan.


Building the business plan

Refining competence rarely held by new dentists

Why a business plan?

Writing a business plan for starting or acquiring a practice refines the understanding of each aspect of delivering dental services. This competence is valuable to graduates in pursuing any career path. Guided professional reporting provides exposure to the real-world demands for professional communication.

Too much too soon?

The business plan concluding assignment is supported by online calculators, guidance balloons and program-aided computations. Students experience advanced planning and business thinking without being required to be mathematicians and accountants. The experience generates confidence and success when addressing the challenges of a dental career.

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